Together, we can shape an inclusive, compassionate, and effective city.

Volunteer with us.

We are a nonprofit working to shape Portland’s future through civic engagement, organizing, and voter education to ensure that everyone who calls this place home has an opportunity to thrive.

Portland is a special place.

We are surrounded by breathtaking beauty, and dedicated and passionate people. We cherish our walkable neighborhoods, great parks, natural areas, public art, bikeable streets, and delicious local food that reflects Portland's diverse communities. Yet, for all our strengths, we still have too many Portlanders being left behind, and the numbers have grown since the start of the pandemic.

We deserve an inclusive, compassionate, and effective city.

We formed this nonprofit organization because we believe that everyone should have the resources they need to thrive. We are neighbors, colleagues and friends working together to shape Portland’s future around a shared vision. We believe all of us should be able to earn a living wage, have a safe place to call home and raise a family. We believe the government must lift up communities who need our support most without causing harm. We know we can tackle our most challenging issues with meaningful, fact-based solutions, and we reject those who use fear to try and divide us. We are stronger together.

We are Portland for All.